Can A Parson Russell Terrier Be A Service Dog?

Can a Parson Russell Terrier make a good “service dog”?

I can tell you that I think Parson Russell Terrier’s can make very good service dogs. Our reputations are both intriguing and a bit sketchy on how Parson Russells Terriers could be good service dogs. While most of us are highly intelligent, intuitive, and dependable … some are a bit high strung and demanding. I think I’m both, depending on the time of day. However trained properly we can be very well behaved and serve people equally as well as any other dog.

We are highly trainable and retain instruction immediately.

We like our jobs and get them done. We are fearless and strong and are natural fox hunters. My breed doesn’t do much hunting these days necessarily and some would beg to think we cannot be good service dogs, however, I find when I’m dialed in, I can be very helpful to keep people entertained and help with anxiety. I have been known to get your hopes high and lift the spirts of anxious passengers on flights.

We are playful and never tire so this gives me the sustainability to travel long distances and still be the life, endurance, and stability of the party. My social skills are in abundance and I’m never at a loss to figure out on something new to create more fun.

It is natural for me to divert passengers anxious feelings and happily ease them in and otherwise being occupied with my own creativity which captures an aura of lightness. My happy-go lucky attitude makes any airplane ride a superb, unique and enlightening experience.

I’m very friendly and love affection from adults and children. I eat up being the center of attention and can command a room to simply be un affected with anything going on but me. This is truly where I feel most comfortable . I love taking control and taking care of all of those around me.

I’m also very much my owners dog. While I am very attentive and would protect her till the end… I can equally be as affectionate and caring with anyone I’m assisting in the air while on the airplane. I simply lighten the load and keep my audience engaged.

Once all passengers are relaxed then I go and snuggle up in a ball with each of them. This gives them the ease to fall asleep… sometimes even I doze off. However, it doesn’t take long for me to awake and move on to someone else’s cozy lap. Really, an adorable little dog always makes a nice addition to any room/space. This all make for a very enjoyable flight and one that they can talk about when they get home at the dinner table.

So I consider my experiences with helping settle the minds of many in the air, I believe we Parson Russell Terriers make fantastic service dogs.